Uncover The Real Reason Why You Haven't Stepped Into Your Potential 
Even Though You Know You Are Made For More

Our Flagship program 
‘Women To Wealth’ Method 
Gives The Exact Formula To Create 
Agency, Freedom & Choice In Your Life.

*By application only.

We don't believe in suffering today to 
hopefully 'survive' later

Too many women have been sold into a broken system. We were taught to trade our most precious and vibrant years over 40-50 years to hopefully live a good life for 20 years before the big man takes us. We're sorry to tell you - you've been duped! But, we're also here to tell you that there is another path. 

What if we said.....

The reason you haven't been able to create financial independence isn’t your fault.

You see, the real reason you haven’t built your own wealth isn't due to your lack of effort…

Or your inability to understand what you’ve been taught.

It’s because most programs and teachers are giving you the flashy recipe, but not the foundational ingredients, or the equipment you really need.

They all focus on trends and the flashy things – not the fundamentals of wealth.

It’s because much of what you’ve been taught isn’t serving you, and that means you need to UN-learn the stuff that is keeping you stuck, so that you can LEARN what you need to move forward.

What you have learned to date has created your results to date. SIMPLE.

The mistake most people make is to try to keep learning more - without first erasing what they have learned that is false and not helping them.

This is why you feel like you're running around in circles over and over again… and that your escape from the hamster wheel feels impossible.

This is why you feel stuck in the same cycle of life where you’re only making enough money to pay the bills.

But, keep reading because we want to show you how we stopped relying on a person or paycheck to create financial independence, and how we design our lives exactly the way we want them to be.

Once you learn this you’ll be on the right track to create agency over your life and choice in your life.

Before I reveal how the Women to Wealth Method is the way to change your life…

Here’s how Jen & I have used this secret method to make complete independence, freedom & impact possible.

By now, you recognize us as women who have built success by doing the things we enjoy.

We’ve achieved remarkable milestones in business and investing - but we aren't here to talk about us. 

Chances are if you are here, you've read our book and you know our stories.

For Jen, she took her first business to $1,000,000 by 24.

But for me (Nic), it wasn’t the same story.

When I was 25 years old, I couldn’t see a way out for myself. 

I was working in a consulting company where I observed and worked with over 2,000 business owners. Some of them were growing to millions of dollars.

I became a sponge. Observing how some succeeded with apparent ease making anywhere between $100,000 per month ($1,200,000 per year), and others failed with their businesses up in flames. How some, the 5%ers, had created the life of freedom that I sought, and others had simply swapped one hamster wheel for another.

I knew I was meant for more. Finally I understood why hitting and hoping wasn’t working. What I did and who I worked for wasn’t going to get me to where I wanted to go, unless I knew what the 5%ers knew. 

So I decided…

“I want to be able to live anywhere in the world at any time I choose?”

But I didn’t know where to start or which directions to take. 

I wanted to be free from the repetitive cycle of waking up, going to work, and going home.

With the responsibilities and bills that had to be paid, I couldn’t just leave my job.

So I made the decision that changed the course of my life. 

I began to seek out mentors. 

I began to glue myself to conversations with people who were years ahead of me as I tried to figure it out. 

The secret I learned to earn more money wasn’t the skills my mentors showed me…

The knowledge they passed down from years of experience...

Or the people they connected me with.

It was how they reshaped my entire philosophy on success.

Once I understood this philosophy everything changed.

For example, it wasn't just about how much money I made, it was how I made it and the type of income it was. I realized that I could double my income by working less.

Meaning, I get to enjoy my time traveling the world. 

But it wasn’t just about money.

This philosophy changed how I viewed the world. 

Slowly, I began to look in the right places and money-making opportunities began to fall in my lap. It all began to make sense. 

On our journey, we both learnt the 3 key things to live a life of choice and independence

The Who

How you perceive the world creates what's possible in your world. 
Understanding fundamental principles and philosophy to help guide your decisions & actions helping you to look at people, problems and opportunities differently than the 95%ers.
The WHO you need to become in order to design your path instead of accepting the default one. 

The What

Become confident in the path and actions to take at each stage of the journey in creating financial independence.
It's about doing the things that count, not doing everything.

The Model & Mechanism

How to identify your GIFT Factor and use it to add your value in the world. 
This is unlocking your potential. 
It's not just about how much you make but HOW you make it - joy, fulfilment and purpose exist in making money!
Then, begin to create multiple pathways tapping into all 4 income types - linear, leveraged, recurring and passive. Building financial resilience and independence. 

And we created a clear pathway, that we walked through and now help others walk through, much faster.

Now, if creating financial independence and security for yourself is important to you, one of your goals is to create a leveraged income. 

This is your cash flow engine. Your fast-track solution to living Unbound. 

Unlike selling our finite time and getting paid for the hours we sacrifice to build for someone else, leveraged income allows us to earn income for results, whilst building something we own. 

Linear income feels capped because it is capped. 

There are only so many hours you have available to sell! 

Leveraged income on the other hand is uncapped and allows us to build something of value while tipping the scales to buy back what we want most…. our time.

How do we do it?

How do we go from left to right and find joy, fulfilment and our potential in the process?


The Women To Wealth Method

The key pieces of the puzzle to unlock a life of 
independence and choice.


  • Clearly understanding your anchor points. This ensures you step out of the comfort cycle and continually keep moving toward what you desire most.
  • Identify current money blockers and beliefs that are keeping you in the same place over and over. Disassemble them and rebuild them to have the mindset to get to where you want to go. 
  • A clear calculated runway to your financial independence - know your numbers and exactly what it's going to take.
  • ​Designing a clear picture of 9 core areas of your life rather than living by default which feels exhausting, ‘busy’ and unfulfilling. 

GIFT Factor

  • Identify the easiest (*usually) thing you can monetize. 
  • Tap into your potential and become incredibly clear & confident of the value you can add to the world and how. 
  • ​It's a mix of your unique skill-sets + joy-set + the problems you can solve for others. This is where you will begin to form your idea or redefine your current business idea that is unique to you!

Circumstances & Resources 
to Maximise

  • There are 5 core resources that will fuel your path to living Unbound; your time, money, skills, network and energy. Learn how to value and leverage these resources to use as a launchpad. 
  • If you do not consider these resources and your circumstances, there is a good chance you will burn out, look at the wrong business/income options, or not even get started!
  • ​You will learn how to look for the ROI and what to do to maximise these core resources.
  • ​Understand how your unique circumstances dial in your options (say goodbye to overwhelm) and help guide you with "what can I do?" or "where do I start?"  

Business Model options

  • Understand the process of running your idea through a framework --> Your GIFT factor, your circumstances and the business model options available so you can identify your starting point = What to offer and how to deliver it. 
  • Learn the 6 key components and the 5 stages of every business. Understand what you must learn & do in each - From start, growth, scale, stability, and evolve phase.
  • ​A clear pathway and actions so you are confident with what to focus on rather than distracted by the unimportant things that are keeping you confused and stuck.


  • Rewiring how you see and feel about sales and therefore how you will do and experience sales.
  • Learn and use our proven steps and systems that have helped us sell millions so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
  • ​Eliminate your resistance to sales and become obsessed with solving a problem that feels really good for you!
  • ​Move away from selling your time for the resource of money, and into selling to something you care about for the resource of money - tapping you into leverage and buying back your most precious resource.... your time.

The Hand Up

  • See the impact you can have in your world and the world.
  • Become the woman who solves problems for others and makes a difference in your unique way.
  • Step onto the right-hand side of the cashflow quadrant where 5% of people sit with 95% of the wealth so you can join the women who will make a big beautiful difference in our world!
Within each piece along the path there are the ‘MECHANICS’. This is the stuff you need to learn and do Eg Strategy, plans, goals & actions.

And all along the way, the most pivotal catalysts for your change & success are in you beliefs, environment & accountability.

Research has shown:
● Going it alone aka the 'Solo-act' = 25% chance of success

● Having a group environment = 64% chance of success

● Having a group + accountability check in = 95% chance of success

Why You Haven't Stepped Into Your Potential Even Though You Know 
You Are Made For More…


Beliefs are like the handbrake in the car. You can be foot down (in action) and going nowhere fast (in results). Results are 20% Mechanics (how to’s) and 80% Mindset (the who).


Beliefs are like the handbrake in the car. Y
ou can be foot down (in action) and going nowhere fast (in results)  Results are 20% Mechanics (how to’s) and 80% Mindset (the who) 


Change your inputs and you will change your outputs. 
What you hear, see and witness is what programs you. 
It’s either helping transcend your results or keeping you right where you are - stuck.


Change the inputs, change the outputs. 
What you hear, see and witness is what programs you. 
It’s either helping transcend your results or keeping you right where you are - stuck.


Ideas don't change your life. Ideas with implementation do!


Ideas don't change your life. Ideas with implementation do.

How It Works

What We Do

What You Get

Learn how to step into your financial independence fast - by adding a new income stream or amplifying a current one (or both). Steps and options to begin straight away.
The Women to Wealth Method. 
A guided curriculum delivered though videos, workbooks and private members community. Unlock your potential to create your ideal income and make your biggest impact.

How to stair step your way out of your job with pivotal short-term and long-term strategies to focus on.
Access to weekly ‘Office Hour’ coaching calls (LIVE and recordings) with your mentors to help you with feedback, obstacles and support on your journey.
Your current money & beliefs are creating your current results. Learn to identify them and powerfully rewire them for the results you desire. 
Access monthly ‘Implementation’ calls. More in-depth coaching and accountability to ensure progress!
Know exactly what to focus on to make progress P.S it’s not budgeting (boring!)
Daily soundboarding & support, networking and connection through your private community.
Create your 100k runway and understand why it’s non-optional to do so (hint: women aged 55+ are the fastest growing demographic for homelessness. This is not okay!)
Exclusive Masterclasses - Learn and upskill with our guest experts. Access our network of mentors and the experts we personally trust and use.
Consider your circumstances, and realistically audit your resources (yes, you have more than you realise) to choose the best pathway to create your next income stream. Top tip: Following someone else’s path most likely won’t work for you - that’s why we support you to forge your own. 
Income & Wealth Building Opportunities - Exclusive opportunities that are tried & tested and used as personal strategies of Nic & Jen’s or mentors in their life they trust. 
The GIFT factor process; Identify what you will and can monetise next. If you’re stuck asking “What could I do?” “Where do I start?” our unique framework gives you clarity on how to add value to the world and how to earn more from doing just that. 
(P.S it's not just about how much you earn but it's about HOW you earn it. This is where joy, flow and fulfilment enters the building)
Special Events and ‘first access’ to perks - Like the Women to Wealth Superyacht week in Croatia! You will gain first access to all special events we host and and best prices.
Identify the DFY & DIY income models which match your GIFT factor AND your circumstances (YES, your time, money and skillset matters) to accelerate your results.
Free access to mini courses, events and training launched by Nic & Jen - as an example, Employed to Self Employed coaching series is $350USD, you access for free!
​Know where to spend your time and what to do in order to create all 4 income types - Linear, leveraged, recurring and passive. Top tip: Learning this alone will set you up in the top 5%.
Connection with extraordinary women who refuse to settle for mediocrity! Meet your new best friends, connect with potential business partners, collaborate and receive support.
The 5 stages of growth - Knowing which skillset is crucial to master in each stage to reach the point of flexibility & choice.
A financial formula to show exactly how much you’ll require to fire your boss and stop doing work you don't love.
​An action plan to go from where you are now to where you want to be so you can create what matters most - freedom of time, location and quality of life.
The 6 Point Wheel - what to start, how to start and where to start.

Or, if you've already got the 'what', you will see where and how to get unstuck.

You are not a copy. You are uniquely designed. 
Believe in the power of your own mind and potential.

Nic & Jen x

How It Works

What We Do & What You Get

Learn how to step into your financial independence fast  - by adding a new income stream or amplifying a current one (or both). Steps and options to begin straight away.
The Women to Wealth Method. 
A guided curriculum delivered though videos, workbooks and private members community. Unlock your potential to create your ideal income and make your biggest impact.

How to stair step your way out of your job with pivotal short-term and long-term strategies to focus on.
Access to weekly ‘Office Hour’ coaching calls (LIVE and recordings) with your mentors to help you with feedback, obstacles and support on your journey.
Your current money & beliefs are creating your current results. Learn to identify them and powerfully rewire them for the results you desire. 
Access monthly ‘Implementation’ calls. More in-depth coaching and accountability to ensure progress!
Know exactly what to focus on to make progress P.S it’s not budgeting (boring!)
Daily soundboarding & support, networking and connection through your private community.
Create your 100k runway and understand why it’s non-optional to do so (hint: women aged 55+ are the fastest growing demographic for homelessness. This is not okay!).
Exclusive Masterclasses - Learn and upskill with our guest experts. Access our network of mentors and the experts we personally trust and use.
consider your circumstances, and realistically audit your resources (yes, you have more than you realise) to choose the best pathway to create your next income stream. Top tip: Following someone else’s path most likely won’t work for you - that’s why we support you to forge your own. 
Income & Wealth Building Opportunities - Exclusive opportunities that are tried & tested and used as personal strategies of Nic & Jen’s or mentors in their life they trust. 
The GIFT factor process; Identify what you will and can monetise next. If you’re stuck asking “What could I do?” “Where do I start?” our unique framework gives you clarity on how to add value to the world and how to earn more from doing just that. 
(P.S it's not just about how much you earn but it's about HOW you earn it. This is where joy, flow and fulfilment enters the building)
Special Events and ‘first access’ to perks - Like the Women to Wealth Superyacht week in Croatia! You will gain first access to all special events and best prices we host.
Identify the DFY & DIY income models which match your GIFT factor AND your circumstances (YES, your time, money and skillset matters) to accelerate your results.
Free access to mini courses, events and training launched by Nic & Jen - as an example, Employed to Self Employed coaching series is $350USD, you access for free!
​Know where to spend your time and what to do in order to create all 4 income types - Linear, leveraged, recurring and passive. Top tip: Learning this alone will set you up in the top 5%.
Connection with extraordinary women who refuse to settle for mediocrity! Meet your new best friends, connect with potential business partners, collaborate and receive support.
The 5 stages of growth - Knowing which skillset is crucial to master in each stage to reach the point of flexibility & choice.
A financial formula to show exactly how much you’ll require to fire your boss and stop doing work you don't love.
​An action plan to go from where you are now to where you want to be so you can create what matters most - freedom of time, location and quality of life.
The 6 Point Wheel - what to start, how to start and where to start.

Or, if you've already got the 'what', you will see where and how to get unstuck.

You are not a copy. You are uniquely designed. 
Believe in the power of your own mind and potential. We unlock this with you.

What our clients are saying about 
The Women to Wealth Method...

Jen G
Before I discovered WTW, I was drowning in a sea of business ideas, and passionate about every single one of them. But choosing where to start kept me stuck in a perpetual cycle of stagnation. Besides that, I was stuck in a loop of limiting beliefs triggered by past experiences. 

Enter WTW – the course and community that threw me a lifeline when I was drowning in my own chaos. Jen and Nic are no less than AMAZING! They didn't just hand me a roadmap; they practically became my abundance therapists. The support they give, not just to me but to all the women in the tribe, is nothing short of AWESOME!
I came to the program with ideas that were not mine (just taken somewhere from the internet, of what other people do), but I never connected with them and perhaps that's why I never moved further. I realised I wasn't truly aware of what I enjoy or what I am good at. Now, I have figured out the next step!

Throughout the program, I connected to what is important to me, what I enjoy, and how I can add value. It’s helped me find a business idea that I am truly excited and passionate about. I can't wait to see where it takes me.
Fiona Maiorano
This program has honestly changed my life. I am so grateful for Nic and Jen and the community of beautiful women who genuinely support and encourage.
Sange Carter
Definitely the kickstart needed to gain clarity and direction. To help unclutter things and realise where some of the foundations may be lacking. As well? Becoming connected with a very positive group of women doing great things, it's inspiring, it's uplifting and also the kick in the butt you need!
The WTW course and community helped me sift through old thought patterns and limiting beliefs that were holding me back. With their support, I’ve been on a mission to kick the BS out of my head, organize my thoughts, and enter my zone of genius.

Now I’m six months in and guess what?? CLARITY! I feel like I’ve hopped off the hamster wheel and I’m finally going places. I attribute much of my success to the awesome WTW course and community, which is exactly the support I needed to dig deep and get out of my own freaking way! Thanks to WTW I now have a new business aligned with my purpose.
Paula Jackson
This program has given me the confidence that there is something for me and that if I truly want it, I can achieve it. 

I was on the hamster wheel, going round and round, same results from the same mindset and lifestyle. I knew I was missing out on a better, more fulfilling life and just didn't have the know-how or keys to start. 
Financially, I was a mess. Always panicked about where to find the money to pay for things, and emotionally this was doing my head in, big time!

Following the modules and actionable steps, I have been able to jump some difficult and expensive hurdles. I have the mental aptitude to handle them with less stress. I’ve found my capabilities that help others and utilised those skills to create a side hustle that I will grow. A lot of people my age are settling for what they have now, I am taking in as much information as I can and utilizing what I have to grow.

The WTW Method has been the main key to unlocking doors. Guided through actionable steps and supported along the way (which is a biggie!), it has shown me various ways to create income and helped me find my talents to turn into income streams. Their guidance helps you to hone in on what is important, no fluff.
I cannot say enough about WTW, but what I love most is the community. Nic and Jen didn't just create a tribe; they manifested a global sisterhood where women from every corner of the world gather to share stories and grow together.

I’m grateful for Nic, Jen and the whole WTW family for helping me turn chaos into clarity. I cannot thank these ladies enough!
Kylie D
Life before starting WTW consisted of the working grind, unhappy and disillusioned, believing I had to slog it out to retirement just to have, HOPEFULLY, an okay retirement. I was scared about what my retirement was going to look like. 
The key things missing for me was the belief and the how.

My journey has not finished yet, however, so far I have totally done a backward flip with who I am as a person and what I believe will happen. The best thing is, it's already started to happen!

The WTW Method has inspired ideas and has attracted opportunities or opened my eyes to opportunities. I have actioned two ideas. One which has started creating new income for me and the second will too! I'm really excited about that one. I have also had opportunities presented to me that would have never happened before joining WTW.
Sandy Brandon
Jennifer Schultz & Nicole Robertson are sincere & very direct professional women who care & I love that.
Sara Montagnolli
The guidance to reveal my unique gifts - tools and ideas on how to create something of value and working on tearing down limiting beliefs and boundaries - all this in an empowering environment, mentored by 2 caring and very invested life changers!
Loving the journey - which is inspiring, exciting and pushing me out of my comfort zone. It has me grow & learn and so far is just very fulfilling.
Fiona Kelly 
So far on my journey to financial independence I have not met a more sincere, down to earth, inspiring group of women, of course led by the best Jennifer Schultz and Nicole Robertson. There is so much value in the course alone and it will hold you in good stead for whatever you desire to do in the future. The real power though is the unique collection of beautiful, powerful women that they have been able to bring together. Joining the group is genuinely one of the happiest things that I do each week. There are diverse conversations where everyone is supported and valued.
In addition to this the Masterclasses and some of the best learning that I have been able to experience. Thanks Nic and Jen for putting together this amazing program. My cup is overflowing and so too will my wallet be soon.
Sandra Pittaro
Being a part of this program has been such a great decision. From the easy,
digestible, thought-provoking content to the wonderful warm community of women, it's an incredible ecosystem to be part of. Nic and Jen are such incredible leaders who are extremely generous with their support, knowledge and hearts. If you're looking for the thing to shake you up and inspire brilliance. Then this is it!
I just want to thank you both Nic and Jen!
I'm so excited about this I can hardly sit still and I wouldn't have done this without you both. So THANK YOU!
Rina Morra
This program has shown me I'm not alone in my desire to live an audacious life! It's helped me realize my ego and limiting beliefs (fear) have been a barrier to success up till now. Nic and Jen are extremely sincere and supportive in presenting a roadmap to wealth with their own experiences to back it up. And the community of women are awe-inspiring too!!
Rina Morra
I was raving about the course, the insight and the book, to my friend/fitness trainer
last week. She was so inspired that this week, she came to me with an idea for a wellness retreat and wants me to cohost it. We brainstormed ideas and dates and I am contacting the venue today! 
Alissa Cerrato
I am moving forward with purchasing sports bra samples from a supplier! This has always been a dream of mine and now it's becoming a reality.
Charms Bianca
I was about to go all in on an investment in an art gallery/bar. I woke one morning with a migraine and a terrible pit in my stomach feeling like I was making the wrong decision. 
Nic asked me all the right questions about my vision, goals and intentions. I knew without a doubt after this call that it was not the right move so withdrew.
That week I invested that money in index funds and shares. Kept some in a savings account for my cushion.
The next day had $5000 come into my account from a few unexpected sources.
The clarity was confirmed with the win! Thanks Universe and thanks Nic

What our clients are saying about 
The Women to Wealth Method...

Paula Jackson
I've started from scratch, literally with empty pockets so to speak and have, through Nic & Jen's W2W method/program, gathered some very helpful tools and resources
to help me forward on my journey to financial freedom. Which to me is taking
ownership and control over my circumstances, improving the quality of my life in health, not just finances! I got clear on what I wanted and with support, set attainable goals that I once thought I would never achieve. The support in this group is amazing and the program is set out for wherever your starting point is on your own journey. Start where you are, be open to learning /implementing. You will find clarity in your way forward with a like minded community.
Fiona Maiorano
This program has honestly changed my life. I am so grateful for Nic and Jen and the community of beautiful women who genuinely support and encourage.
Sange Carter
Definitely the kickstart needed to gain clarity and some direction. To help unclutter some things and realise where some of the foundations may be lacking. As well? Becoming connected with a very positive group of women doing great things, it's inspiring, it's uplifting and also the kick in the butt you need!
Fiona Kelly 
So far on my journey to financial freedom I have not met a more sincere, down to earth, inspiring group of women, of course led by the best Jennifer Schultz and Nicole Robertson. There is so much value in the course alone and it will hold you in good stead for whatever you desire to do in the future. The real power though is the unique collection of beautiful, powerful women that they have been able to bring together. Joining the group is genuinely one of the happiest things that I do each week, there are diverse conversations where everyone is supported and valued.
In addition to this the Mastermind classes and some of the best learning that I have been able to experience. Thanks Nic and Jen for putting together this amazing program. My cup is overflowing and so too will my wallet be soon.
Sandy Brandon
Jennifer Schultz & Nicole Robertson are sincere & very direct professional women who care & I love that.
Sara Montagnolli
The guidance to reveal my unique gifts - tools and ideas on how to create something
of value and working on tearing down limiting beliefs and boundaries - all this in an empowering environment, mentored by 2 caring and very invested life changers!
Loving the journey - which is inspiring, exciting, pushing, me out of my comfort zone let's me grow & , learn and so far is just very fulfilling.
Sandra Pittaro
Being a part of this program has been such a great decision. From the easy,
digestible, thought-provoking content to the wonderful warm community of women, it's an incredible ecosystem to be part of. Nic and Jen are such incredible leaders who are extremely generous with their support, knowledge and hearts. If you're looking for the thing to shake you up and inspire brilliance. Then this is it!
I just want to thank you both Nic and Jen!
I'm so excited about this I can hardly sit still and I wouldn't have done this without you both. So THANK YOU!
Rina Morra
This program has shown me I'm not alone in my desire to live an audacious life! It's
helped me realize my ego and limiting beliefs (fear) have been a barrier to success up till now. Nic and Jen are extremely sincere and supportive in presenting a roadmap to wealth with their own experiences to back it up. And the community of women are awe-inspiring too!!
Rina Morra
I was raving about the course, the insight and the book, to my friend/fitness trainer
last week. She was so inspired that this week, she came to me with an idea for a
wellness retreat and wants me to cohost it. We brainstormed ideas and dates and I am contacting the venue today! Facials, yoga, wine and painting !! Might need to be an ongoing series!
Alissa Cerrato
I had a great call with Mara and am moving forward with purchasing sports bra samples from a supplier! I had to make a few decisions, which in my personal life I am no good at, but at work I never have a problem with it. So I put on my work "hat" and made the decisions confidently. Even days/hours later and I am still happy with the decisions I made, and so excited to see what comes!
Charms Bianca
I was about to go all in on an investment in an art gallery/bar. I woke one morning with a migraine and a terrible pit in my stomach feeling like I was making the wrong decision. I did a list of pros and cons, looked at the financials. I just couldn't decide so booked a chat with Nic.
Nic asked me all the right questions about my vision, goals and intentions. I knew without a doubt after this call that it was not the right move so withdraw.
That week I invested that money in index funds and shares. Kept some in a savings
account for my cushion.
The next day had $5000 come into my account from a few unexpected sources.
The clarity was confirmed with the win! Thanks Universe and thanks Nic


Women to Wealth Method comes with an 100% Action Taker's Money Back Guarantee. 

This program has the power to profoundly change your life. Don’t love it? 

Email us before the refund deadline, submit your coursework and proof of attendance to the calls. We’ll refund you, in full. No gimmicks.

What's Different About This Program Vs Everything Else Online?

We first work on the WHO you are, to then gain the clarity on the WHAT you can create and as part of that, we show you different options with income pathways & models that you can begin. Eg DFY businesses, course creation, bitcoin mining, real estate development and more!

Most programs work with 1 of 2 things, but not always both. Either the ‘mechanics’ which is all of the ‘how to’s = strategy, plans, actions. Most women struggle with these because they haven’t removed the resistance that is blocking them from actually doing the do. So, they never really get any of it done. Thats why they roll through course after course with no change. Sound familiar?
Or, they work purely with mindset but don’t connect the next steps of what to focus on, learn and the action to move forward each month to create tangible results.

We open up our personal network of mentors and connections!
● To educated and up-skill you in core areas Eg financial structures, copywriting, social media, real estate. These are experts we trust and work with so you aren't wasting time & money on trying to dissect all the 'coaches' online.
● Our connections and mentors may present income & wealth building projects that we can share exclusively to members. We not only give you the know-how and guidance through our unique methods but we also provide potential pathways of income & wealth creation that are vetted, tried & tested. 

*At WTW we look for platforms and businesses that align with the WTW vision and values of contributing to making the world a better place. With the right projects and people driving them together we can solve real world problems. We make no guarantees and do not give financial advice but also do not recommend anything we haven’t tested and proven ourselves.

Your weekly support & coaching calls are with Jen & Nic, not outsourced to other coaches.


What if I don’t make the weekly calls?
Our weekly Office Hour calls are held at multiple times to cater for timezones. They are also recorded for you to access.
What if I have questions I need help with before the call each week?
As part of the program you will join an exclusive members platform. On here is a dedicated #questions section. You can ask your questions or share thoughts & ideas and our team aim to get back to you within 24 hours 5 days a week.
Is there accountability?
Yes! Along with weekly check in & coaching calls, we have a Monthly Implementation call. On this call we guide you to reflect on the previous month and set up your following month to ensure you are clear on your priorities and actionable steps to move you forward.

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